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NaturalNews Tip of the day (from Mike): |
Today is "World AIDS Day." Don't you love it when governments decide to commemorate a disease?
On this World AIDS Day, NaturalNews has acquired some exclusive footage that exposes the truth about AIDS through some shocking footage from the new documentary film House of Numbers.
This is the footage the AIDS industry absolutely does not want you to see! It's an exclusive interview with Dr. Luc Montagnier, the co-discoverer of the AIDS virus.
Read the article here:
Watch the YouTube footage here: (but read the article first, above, to understand why this footage is so important)
Learn more about the House of Numbers film here:
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Also today: Congressional speeches are written by Big Pharma lobbyists! ( Pesticides linked to suicidal tendancies (, and vitamin D prevents diabetes (
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Today's Feature Stories:
Shocking truth about AIDS exposed on World AIDS Day with "House of Numbers" un-cut footage (NaturalNews) When Brunt Leung started showcasing his groundbreaking new documentary film about AIDS, "House of Numbers", he had no way to comprehend the wave of defamatory attacks that would be unleashed against him. Promoters... |
Congressional speeches written by Big Pharma lobbyists (NaturalNews) The New York Times recently unveiled a story about industry lobbyists and the power they have over the United States Congress. Examination of a series of statements made by 42 Congressmen revealed that Genentech, the world's largest... |
Flaxseed oil could reduce the risk of osteoporosis After menopause, women are at increased risk for the bone-weakening condition known as osteoporosis. And women who are diabetic have an even greater chance of developing the disorder. But now comes research from Egyptian scientists that suggests... |
One in Six Children Clinically Obese Before Starting Primary School (NaturalNews) One in every six children in some parts of the United Kingdom are already obese when they begin primary school, according to a report from that country's Department of Health. Nationwide, the statistics show a continuing and dangerous... |
Health and the Holidays: Follow These Easy Tips The holidays are the notorious time of year for indulging and eating far too much junk, sugared and processed foods. It starts with Halloween and often continues through the New Year. Yet, many people disconnect these annual eating habits... |
Vitamin D prevents diabetes, improves insulin sensitivity, say multiple studies (NaturalNews) With all the worries, debate and near hysteria over rising healthcare costs in the U.S., it might be time to face the fact we bring most illness on ourselves by eating junk diets, failing to exercise and avoiding sunshine. A case in point... |
Pesticide exposure may make you want to kill yourself (Natural News) China has a very high suicide rate. Forty-four percent of the world's suicides are committed in China. Suicide is also the fifth-leading cause of death in China. This caused the World Health Organization to raise some concern about the... |
Beware of aluminum in deodorant products (NaturalNews) Most consumers don't know it, but antiperspirant deodorant products often contain extremely toxic chemicals and heavy metals that can cause severe harm to the human nervous system. To rub such products under the arms is inviting the absorption... |
Few Hospital Patients Survive Cardiac Arrest; CPR Has Made No Improvements in Decades (NaturalNews) The odds of surviving cardiac arrest while in a hospital are low and have barely changed in more than ten years, according to a Medicare study conducted by researchers from the University of Washington-Seattle and published in the New... |
How to Dry Herbs and Make Relaxing Herbal Tea It is well documented that drinking herbal teas can benefit health as well as contribute to a feeling of relaxation. Herbs can be used fresh or dried. Drying them at home will generally mean cheaper and fresher herbal tea than teas that are... |
Understand Consciousness, Part II: Foods As talked about in "Understanding Consciousness" part 1, a large part of our consciousness comes from our thoughts and thought patterns. But a large part of our consciousness also comes from what we put inside our bodies. The foods we eat... |
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