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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Comcast Settles P2P Suit for $16 Million

Wi-Fi Planet - The Source for Wi-Fi Business and Technology

Tuesday December 29, 2009

Wi-FiPlanet News
NEW!   Comcast Settles P2P Suit for $16 Million
[December 23, 2009]  A modest settlement over p2p traffic management doesn't end all of Comcast's legal issues.

Gartner Reports Flat Mobile Handset Sales in 2009
[December 16, 2009]  The mobile handset market was no different from any other recession-touched sector of the economy, and at least one source of relative growth came from dubious gray-market handsets.

Google Prepping an Unlocked, Self-Branded Android Phone?
[December 14, 2009]  With word that the "Nexus One" is going to be an HTC-built, Google-branded Android phone, Google might be upsetting the applecart for its carrier partners, which might have their own ideas about the desirability of an unlocked phone.

Apple "iTablet" Expected in March
[December 10, 2009]  With previous pricing estimates at $500 to $700, the latest rumors place Apple's "iTablet" closer to $1,000. At that price, analysts wonder what it could offer that a similarly priced laptop can't.

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Wi-FiPlanet Insights
Industry Insiders: Ted Morgan, CEO, Skyhook Wireless
[November 23, 2009]  Skyhook Wireless CEO and co-founder, Ted Morgan, talks about the importance of the iPhone, the growth of location-enabled apps, and the future of location-based advertising.

Wi-Fi Planet Holiday Wish List, 2009
[November 18, 2009]  We can't tell you whether Wi-Fi Planet's contributors have been naughty or nice this year, but we can tell you which wireless gadgets they've been wishing for.

WiMAX Goes to the Olympics
[November 17, 2009]  Canadian provider, Craig Wireless, is set to launch mobile WiMAX in Vancouver in time for 2010 Winter Olympics

Opinion: Even Wi-Fi Can't Save Nook
[October 28, 2009]  Mike Elgan argues that despite the technical superiority of some new devices on the market, such as the Wi-Fi-enabled Kindle-competitor Nook from Barnes & Noble, those first to the party will continue to dominate the smartphone and e-book markets.

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Wi-FiPlanet Reviews
NEW!   Review: Mad Catz Wireless Gaming Adapter for Xbox 360
[December 28, 2009]  For about twenty bucks less than Microsoft's N adapter, the Mad Catz Wireless Gaming Adapter for Xbox 360 gives you a potentially more versatile way to get your Xbox natively linked to an N network.

Review: Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless N Networking Adapter
[December 18, 2009]  If you just want the simplest way to get your 360 connected to an 802.11n network, Microsoft's Xbox 360 Wireless N adapter does the job nicely.

Review: Asus Videophone Touch AiGuru SV1T
[December 14, 2009]  With built-in 802.11g, the SV1T is an fine alternative to a full-fledged PC for making Skype video calls.

Review: Motorola DROID from VzWireless
[November 30, 2009]  The DROID isn't likely to deliver a knock-out punch to the iPhone any time soon, but it is worthy of serious consideration by anyone shopping for an "App Phone" this holiday season.

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Wi-FiPlanet Tutorials
NEW!   OpenDNS Can Fix Slow Browsing Woes
[December 29, 2009]  With OpenDNS, you can squeeze a little bit more performance out of your Internet connection, and gain some useful security features in the bargain.

Managing PCI DSS Requirements with a WLAN
[December 11, 2009]  If you process credit card data you've got a lot of security responsibilities. If you process credit card data over a wireless network, you have even more.

Enterprise-Grade Security for Your Home WLAN
[December 9, 2009]  We've been over the basics time and time again. Here's how to up your Wi-Fi security to some of the same standards the big companies aim for.

Ask the Wi-Fi Guru, Episode XXII
[December 4, 2009]  Our monthly Q&A series offers advice to those seeking help with home or small business WLANs. This month our Guru considers ways to connect to a nearby WLAN from a truck or RV, researches compatibility between a popular Wi-Fi router and DD-WRT, and helps a reader bridge the gap between an Airport Express and another Airport-based network.

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