Featured Tutorial: Zoom Motion Blur Transition The zoom Motion Blur Transition seen on popular award winning sites lately. Featured Gallery Image: Techno Torch This is my first post on this Fantastic Site!...Please Comment....Just a little somethig I whipped up in Poser..sent to Photoshop...and added some Alien Skin Effects...Thanks! Featured FLA: Skatalog v9 - product catalog Create your product catalog easly and publish on your website or Create your image gallery, documents list, portfolio. Fully XML Driven eStockMusic Track of the Week: At Sea Orchestral film score; big optimistic thematic opening to a dark middle, fading out Get Ready for Windows 7! Pros and Cons? Learn What Our Experts Think Download Free eBook Now. Click Here. | Interested in placing your TEXT AD HERE? Click Here Featured Sound Loop: Angel Chorus The ultra-typical-classical chrous meldoy of an group of angels! Featured Sound FX: In INTRO Short but I think effective sound for flash intros. Featured Font: myCode this is a code that a would write in in 5th grade and i finally made a font out of it. Latest Forum Queries Creating a Hotspot in Flash CS4 Hi there, Having been used to creating hotspots in Flash MX I now have up-graded to Flash CS4 and find I can't create hotspots anymore and not sure why... I want to create a hotspot roll over button but when I reduce Alpha on the rectangle area on my button the button stops working...not sure why...can someone kindly help me out? LoadMovie and Blur Filter Question I created a movie with the blur filter applied via Actionscript which works great. If I try and load that movie into another movie via loadMovie, the filter is lost. Can a parent movie load a child movie and apply a filter to it? My test case is pretty simply, the child movie contains a text movie clip with no actions or filters. My parent movie loads the child movie and applies the blur filter... New Facebook design coming soon What do you all think about Facebook updating it's features again? It seems that every time there are changes made people get all their collective panties in a twist. At first I usually dislike them like the rest but once you settle into the new flow of things they are actually nice improvements over the old way. It just made me think about how people complain about sites always looking the s... Scrolling banner with continuous loop I have a graphic that I want to scroll from right to left across the screen. I want the graphic to loop, not when finished, but when the right edge of the graphic hits the right edge of the screen. Any idea how to do this? Timer issue with AS 3.0 Using Flash CS4 Pro (version 10.0) I am using a timer function to pause a text effect in a movie clip (textEffects). I also have a separate movie clip (Bfind) that when rolled over, it controls the textEffects movieclip. On roll out of Bfind, textEffects is restarted at frame 1. Everything works great until i hover over and out of the button target a few times. The bug I am having is tha... Parameter variable with $ in the name Hi, I recently took over an AS3 project someone else programmed. It's quite well done and nicely object oriented. However, I have come across something I have not seen before. protected function addedToStage ($event:Event) : void {} The parameter in the function above uses the prefix $ before the parameter name "event". What does this do - if anything? Thanks in advance drag parent properly Hi, I have this code that drags various dots around the stage. All the dots are limited to the stage area, individual dots do other things when dragged. My problem is with dot 5 in the function "dragItem5" at line 80. dot 5 is the red dot in the center of the "kite" object hierarchy is kite_mc, contains 5 dot_mc's (dot1_mc etc) which each contain 3 circle mc's which do not have instance names... Flash text Hello, I am a Flash beginner. I do not understand why I cannot modify the text in this file. Also I do not understand why the text is dissapearing toward the end. Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance. Wally |
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