ScienceDaily Environment Headlines
for the Week of December 27, 2009 to January 3, 2010
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Posted 2010-01-03:
- Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease: Nervous culprit found
- Scientists identify DNA that regulates antibody production
- Fungus contaminant in corn, peanuts, soybeans: Chlorophyll effective against aflatoxin
Posted 2010-01-03:
- How the Moon gets its exosphere
- High fat diet increases inflammation in the mouse colon
- Imaging study shows HIV particles assembling around genome of infected cell
- Elusive protein points to mechanism behind hearing loss
- Will higher global temperatures make it easier for viruses to jump species?
- Major offshore quake could surge inland to Seattle area
- Final moments of bee landing tactics revealed
- Bacterial protein mimics its host to disable a key enzyme
Posted 2010-01-02:
- Fast pace of glacier melt in the 1940s: lower aerosol pollution
- New molecule identified in DNA damage response
- Window opens into Moon's past volcanism
- Student sleuths using DNA reveal zoo of 95 species in NYC homes -- and new evidence of food fraud
- Mutation leads to new and severe form of bacterial disease
- Northern South America rainier during Little Ice Age
- Biofilms: Researchers discover new ways to treat chronic infections
- 'Land Grabs' For Rice Production Due To Supply Threats
Posted 2010-01-01:
- Springtime sheep grazing helps control leafy spurge
- Engineered tobacco plants have more potential as a biofuel
- Marseillevirus -- a new member of the giant viruses
- New RNA interference technique can silence up to five genes
- Weakened Plasmodium generates protective immunity
- Permafrost thaw may accelerate Arctic groundwater runoff
- No rise of airborne fraction of carbon dioxide in past 150 years, new research finds
- New tool in the fight against mosquito-borne disease: A microbial 'mosquito net'
- Natural variability led to extra-cold 2008, research finds
- Consumers choose locally grown and environmentally friendly apples
- Handful of iron beads offer clues to solve mystery of ancient iron forges
- Continental roots stress Earth's surface
Posted 2009-12-31:
- Researchers demonstrate nanoscale X-ray imaging of bacterial cells
- New acoustic tools may reduce ship strikes on whales
- 'Spaghetti' Scaffolding Could Help Grow Skin In Labs
- Dominant Chemical That Attracts Mosquitoes To Humans Identified
- Heme channel found: shuttles vital but vulnerable heme molecule across biological membranes
- Fish with attitude: Some like it hot
- Evolution experiments with flowers
- Scientists discover a controller of brain circuitry
- Learning From Insects: The Race Is On For New 'Bio-Resources'
- Ginkgo biloba does not appear to slow rate of cognitive decline
- Mapping Nutrient Distributions Over The Atlantic Ocean
- Drought Resistance Explained: Protein Structure Reveals How Plants Respond To Water Shortages
Posted 2009-12-30:
- First molars provide insight into evolution of great apes, humans
- Disinfectants may promote growth of superbugs
- How calorie-restricted diets fight obesity and extend life span
- Exposure to tobacco smoke in childhood home associated with early emphysema in adulthood
- Molecular chaperone keeps bacterial proteins from slow-dancing to destruction
- Lighting can influence how wine tastes
- Mystery solved: How fine particulates are formed in the air
- Divide and conquer: Splitting fluorescent protein helps image clusters in live cells
- Cockroaches offer inspiration for running robots
- Climate Wizard makes large databases of climate information visual, accessible
- Accurate taste perception relies on a properly functioning olfactory system
- Scientists isolate new antifreeze molecule in Alaska beetle
- Deep sea anchors for offshore installations
Posted 2009-12-29:
- Seeing how evolutionary mechanisms yield biological diversity
- Adjusting acidity with impunity
- Ladder-walking locusts use vision to climb, show big brains aren't always best
- Microbes help mothers protect kids from allergies
- As the world churns: Earth's liquid outer core is slowly 'stirred' in a series of decades-long waves
- Whiteflies sabotage alarm system of plant in distress
- Some birds listen, instead of look, for mates
- Scientists argue for a new type of climate target
- Spider Mite Predators Serve As Biological Control
- How can evolutionary responses to climate change be measured?
- Orchids' sexual trickery explained: Leads to more efficient pollinating system
- Phragmites partners with microbes to plot native plants' demise
- Wet Ethanol Production Process Yields More Ethanol And More Co-products
Posted 2009-12-28:
- Helping vegetable plants make a less stressful transition from the greenhouse to the field
- Happy Flies Look For A Place Like Home
- Glacier melt adds ancient edibles to marine buffet
- Milk thistle herb protects cancer patients from chemotherapy-associated liver toxicity
- Exposure to young triggers new neuron creation in females exhibiting maternal behavior
- Flowering powers genetic understanding
- Iranian Scholars Share Avicenna's Medieval Medical Wisdom
Posted 2009-12-27:
- Further progress toward AIDS vaccine: Rabies-virus vaccine protects monkeys
- How the daisy got its spot: Insect mimicry
- Tourists in Antarctica cause of major concern
- Certain genes boost chances for distributing variety of traits, drive evolution
- The past matters to plants
- Low-cost temperature sensors: Tennis balls to monitor mountain snowpack
Posted 2009-12-26:
- Sun and moon trigger deep tremors on San Andreas Fault
- Microscopic flower petal ridges flash to attract pollinating insects; scientists now know how ridges form
- Ski runs are not created equal
- Hatchery-raised salmon too crowded
- Fungal footage yields insight into plant, animal disease
Posted 2009-12-25:
- Genetic study reveals the origins of cavity-causing bacteria
- Canopy giants and miniature fungi among 250 new species discovered in Kew's 250th anniversary year
- New insights into mushroom-derived drug promising for cancer treatment
- Fight infection by disturbing how bacteria communicate
- Soil studies reveal rise in antibiotic resistance
- Santa Claus at risk? Unhealthy lifestyle, unreasonable working conditions, and stress
- How flu succeeds
- Dental delight: Tooth of sea urchin shows formation of biominerals
- Conservation areas threatened nationally by housing developments
- Scientists map speed of climate change for different ecosystems
- New warbler discovered in Laos
- Consumers 'Key Part Of Solution' To Global Warming
- Disproportionate effects of global warming and pollution on disadvantaged communities
- Opening new frontiers: First volume of microbial encyclopedia published
- Marine Research Is Key To 'Super Foods' Market
Posted 2009-12-24:
- Motility mechanism of malaria pathogens explained
- Air pollution linked to hospitalizations for pneumonia in seniors
- Wild chimps have near human understanding of fire
- Enhanced sweet taste: Endocannabinoids act directly on tongue taste receptors
- Australian fossil unlocks secrets to the origin of whales
- Turtles' Christmas journey tracked by scientists
- Bacteria make artificial blood vessels of the future
- Tuberculosis strain thrives on antibiotic
- School classroom air may be more polluted with ultrafine particles than outdoor air
- New human reproductive hormone could lead to novel contraceptives
- Chemistry makes the natural 'wonder fabric' -- wool -- more wonderful
- Deadly infection more common than realized
- Fossil shelved for a century reworks carnivore family tree: Limbs changes understanding of early carnivore locomotion
- New, virulent strain of MRSA poses renewed antibiotic resistance concerns
- Modern behavior of early humans found half-million years earlier than previously thought
- Mystery solved: Scientists now know how smallpox kills
- Study finds that 77 percent of European pigs are castrated without anesthetic
- Rise in human-made carbon dioxide affects ocean acoustics
- New compounds may control deadly fungal infections
- Formation of the Gulf of Corinth rift, Greece
Posted 2009-12-23:
- Story of 4.5-million-year-old whale found in Spain
- Meddling in mosquitoes' sex lives could help stop the spread of malaria
- Novel nanotechnology heals abscesses caused by resistant staph bacteria
- Hypoxia tends to increase as climate warms, study finds
- Among apes, teeth are made for the toughest times
- Pomegranates: Latest weapon in the fight against MRSA
- Compound found to safely counter deadly bird flu
- Fisheries and aquaculture face multiple risks from climate change
- Electronic nose can select produce with appealing aromas
- Poisonous prehistoric 'raptor' discovered in China
- What are the amounts of greenhouse gases released in your area and what are the sources?
- New research sheds light on our reactions to humanitarian crises
- Modern behavior of early humans found half-million years earlier than thought
- France was once home to the Atlantic sturgeon, previously unknown on its territory
- Faster, cheaper DNA sequencing method devised
- Forty years of farmed salmon ... and one genetic mystery
- Urinary tract cancer associated with Chinese herbal products containing aristolochic acid
- Fertilizer use not always helpful in revegetation efforts
Posted 2009-12-22:
- When it comes to fish families, the bigger and bossier the better
- African leaf-eating primates 'likely to be wiped out' by climate change
- Your Christmas tree has seven times more DNA than you do!
- Headwater stream nutrient enrichment disrupts food web, study finds
- Sixty headless skeletons -- 3,000 years old -- discovered in Pacific Ocean archipelago Vanuatu
- Computer algorithm identifies authentic Van Gogh
- Daily Pot Smoking May Hasten Onset of Psychosis
- Bioactive glass nanofibers produced
- Fewer migratory birds in Dutch woods due to climate change
- Ancient koalas may have been loud and lazy but they didn't chew gum
- Machine that visually inspects and sorts strawberry plants invented
- New filling, cooling and storage system may prevent bacterial growth and prolong shelf life of orange juice
- Global warming likely to be amplified by slow changes to Earth systems, geologists say
- The buzz on fruit flies: New role in the search for addiction treatments
- Scientists take a step towards uncovering the histone code
- Deepest explosive eruption on sea floor: Underwater remotely operated vehicle Jason images discovery
- Moderate fish consumption may lower risk in patients with a history of heart failure
- New insight into selective binding properties of infectious HIV
Posted 2009-12-21:
- Antimicrobial peptide from ancient organism may be effective against multiresistant human pathogens including MRSA
- Warming climate chills Sonoran Desert's spring flowers
- Colliding auroras produce an explosion of light
- Tropical birds waited for land crossing between North and South America, study finds
- Nocturnal wind maximum mapped for first time
- New nasal vaccine blocks parasite transmission to mosquitoes
- Food-borne illness: Researchers redefine the invasion mechanism of Salmonella
- Further spread of Rhodesian sleeping sickness in Uganda likely due to livestock movements
- Type of cell proves to be highly significant in genetic studies
Posted 2009-12-20:
- New study links DHA type of omega-3 to better nervous-system function
- Valuable, rare, raw earth materials extracted from industrial waste stream
- Why some insects can survive freezing: Huge X-ray microscope provides clues
- Within a cell, actin keeps things moving
- Missing piece of DNA replication puzzle identified
- Why does a human baby need a full year before starting to walk?
- Eat fruits and vegetables for better vision
- Researchers revise long-held theory of fruit-fly development
- Large-scale sequencing: The future of genomic sciences?
Posted 2009-12-19:
- Europe's flora is becoming impoverished
- Chicken or egg question looms over climate debate
- Avatar's moon Pandora could be real, planet-hunters say
- Scientists use light to map neurons' effects on one another
- Hundreds of leads generated in fight against H1N1 pandemic
- Human protein helps prevent infection by H1N1 influenza and other viruses
- Previously unknown gene is unique to placental mammals
- Ancient pygmy sea cow discovered
- Antagonistic genes control rice growth
- Mammals may be nearly half way toward mass extinction
- Valley in Jordan inhabited and irrigated for 13,000 years
- Stone age pantry: Archaeologist unearths earliest evidence of modern humans using wild grains and tubers for food
- New study turns up the heat on soot's role in Himalayan warming
- Looking for the heartbeat of cellular networks
Posted 2009-12-18:
- Pollution alters isolated thunderstorms: Wind shear strength determines whether pollution swells or saps storms
- Vermicompost from pig manure grows healthy hibiscus
- Livestock lead to better health in developing nations, rising consumption poses challenge, study finds
- Ancient origins of modern opossum revealed
- Christmas cholesterol epiphany: 'Myrrh' may have cholesterol-lowering properties
- Most people should not automatically opt for a swine flu shot, expert suggests based on bacterial decision-making
- Human movement may have brought Chagas disease to urban Peru
- NASA tech zooms in on water and land
- Cells move in mysterious ways, experiments reveal
- Significant advances made in molecular computing
- Scientists film photons with electrons
- DNA sequencing used to attack lung cancer
- Pre-eruption earthquakes offer clues to volcano forecasters
- Cell phone records used to predict spread of malaria
- Heart cells on lab chip display 'nanosense' that guides behavior
- Complex life of marsh birds: Coots foil nest invaders, reject impostors
- Climate change does not always lead to conflict
- Bacteria used to power simple machines: Organisms turn microgears in suspended solution by swimming
- World's rarest gorilla ready for its close-up
- Irrigation decreases, urbanization increases monsoon rains
- Should flowers be banned in hospitals?
- Earth's polar ice sheets vulnerable to even moderate global warming; New Orleans, much of southern Florida, expected to be permanently submerged
- Zoning the ocean may help endangered whales to recover
- Even at sublethal levels, pesticides may slow the recovery of wild salmon populations
Posted 2009-12-17:
- Greenland glaciers: Water flowing beneath ice plays more complex role
- Nearly 100 new species described by California Academy of Sciences in 2009
- DNA of Jesus-era shrouded man in Jerusalem reveals earliest case of leprosy
- New bacterial behavior: Puzzling 'dance' of electricity-producing bacteria near energy sources
- Scientists' 3-D view of genes-at-work is paradigm shift in genetics
- Reproductive germ cells survive and thrive in transplants, even among species
- Sucker-footed bats don't use suction after all
- Secrets of mysterious 'night-shining' clouds unlocked by NASA's AIM satellite and models
- From greenhouse to icehouse: Reconstructing the environment of the Voring Plateau
- Icy moons of Saturn and Jupiter may have conditions needed for life
- More insight into radioactive salt marshes
- Tremors between slip events: More evidence of great quake danger to Seattle
- First immunological clue to why some H1N1 patients get very ill or die
- NASA outlines recent breakthroughs in greenhouse gas research
- Species distribution models are of only limited value for predicting future mammal distributions
Posted 2009-12-16:
- Prussian blue salt linked to origin of life
- DNA needs a good editor: Researchers unravel the mysteries of DNA packaging
- How do salamanders grow a new leg? Protein mechanisms behind limb regeneration
- Gravestones Talking through Time
- New discoveries could improve climate projections
- Mammoths hung on longer? Late-surviving megafauna exposed by ancient DNA in frozen soil
- Global warming could significantly impact US wine and corn production, scientists say
- Going vertical: Fleeing tsunamis by moving up, not out
- 'Rock-breathing' bacteria could generate electricity and clean up oil spills
- Coconut-carrying octopus: Tool use in an invertebrate
- Unveiling mysterious possible comet strikes on Earth
- Portions of Arctic coastline eroding, no end in sight, says new study
- Killer catfish? Venomous species surprisingly common, study finds
- California's troubled waters: Satellite-based findings reveal significant groundwater loss in Central Valley
- Ancient Book of Mark Found Not So Ancient After All
- Black carbon deposits on Himalayan ice threaten Earth's 'Third Pole'
- Geneticist reveals molecular view of key epigenetic regulator
Posted 2009-12-15:
- Action on climate change compatible with long-term U.S. economic growth
- Female fruit flies can be 'too attractive' to males, scientists show
- Tendons shape bones during embryonic development
- Absence of evidence for a meteorite impact event 13,000 years ago
- Yellowstone's plumbing reveals plume of hot and molten rock 410 miles deep
- How Arctic food webs affect mercury in polar bears
- Ethanol-powered vehicles generate more ozone than gas-powered ones
- New biosensors reveal workings of anti-psychotic drugs in the living brain
- Understanding apples' ancestors
- Newly identified enzymes help plants sense elevated CO<sub>2</sub> and could lead to water-wise crops
- List of 'unsung' wildlife affected by climate change released
- New approach to emissions makes climate and air quality models more accurate, major study finds
- Introns -- nonsense DNA -- may be more important to evolution of genomes than thought
- Can Biodiversity Persist In The Face Of Climate Change?
- Innovative Plan To Save Rainforest, Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Posted 2009-12-14:
- Syntax in our primate cousins
- Glacial rebound: 10,000-year study of strata compaction and sea-level rise on English coast
- Bacteria provide new insights into human decision making
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