| The Ultimate Human Desire is to find Completion. The longing for our natural state of Unity lies in the deepest core of every Human. Unity Consciousness shattered itself into tiny individual fragments in order to understand separation, and to feel what it is like to forget that we’re all from the same Source. An infinite consciousness has no concept of separation, so individual pieces of Unity Consciousness entered into a three dimensional Human body to see what separation and limitation were like. The point is to forget that we’re all a part of Unity Consciousness. As a Whole, we thought it would be an interesting game. Think of God creating a rock that’s too heavy for him/her to lift. The Infinite wants to experience Limitation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That leaves us Humans with an inherent longing for completion. We all know the excitement of attraction and the thrill of Union. Longing for Completion is the force that drives the Human Race. We seek Union throughout our lives. Our Desire for Unity drives us to grow and gives us the energy to strive for our goals. Then, the instant we attain fourth dimensional awareness, we remember that we’ve never been separate after all. We fully understand on an emotional level, that the physical realm truly is an illusion. When we see the game for what it is, we instantly want to jump back into it. Pieces of Infinite Spirit are clamoring to get into a Human body. Humanity on Earth is the greatest show in all the Energetic Realms, especially right now, at the moment we are is transforming into fourth dimensional awareness, while still in three dimensions. Cool. Embrace it, don’t waste it. This can be helpful in real life because the more you understand your motivations, the more you will become aware of your true intentions. When you understand what drives you and the results you strive for, you will be able to change them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The underlying challenge is to find completion within our selves. We must realize that we ARE complete because we are all a piece of Unity. When we look for Completion outside of ourselves, we are looking for Unity in Separation, and we won’t find it there. You satisfy the Ultimate Human Desire by looking inside yourself, accepting what you see and forgiving what you don’t want to accept. There you will find Genuine Completion and natural fulfillment like Humanity has rarely experienced. When you realize that you are One with the Whole, you will find infinite abundance in all aspects of your life. Realizing that you already have infinite abundance brings you closer to Unity and vice-versa. The energy works both ways. Until Tomorrow… ~Quentin Danziger Quentin has over 20 years experience balancing what we refer to as the Real World, with science and spirit. He has held positions of responsibility and authority, received a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics from Colorado School of Mines, and has also studied many avenues of alternative thought. HumanHints is the culmination of his knowledge, experience and practice. These free daily emails detail concrete, real-world techniques to consciously create any future you choose, while in the throes of daily life created by outdated modes of thought. HumanHints.com, PO Box 997, Vail, CO 81658 Copyright HumanHints. All Rights Reserved. |
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