- Letter from the Editors
- Sponsor Messages:
- POL State Finals Schedules Set!
- Paris Writers Workshop
- The Frost Place Summer Programs
- Pacific MFA in Writing Now Enrolling
- MFA at Western Connecticut State University
- The Bellday Poetry Prize
- Grub Street Book Prize
- William Joiner Center Workshop (June 14–25)
- Cleveland State University Poetry Center Book Prizes
- West Chester University Poetry Conference
- More...
- Poetry news links
- Selected new arrivals
- This week’s featured poets
- Last week’s featured poets
- Last year’s featured poets
- Poem from last year
1. Letter from the Editors
Dear Readers,
This week we continue our weekly prose series with Robin Davidson's introduction to Ewa Lipska's The New Century: Poems, translated from the Polish by Robin Davidson and Ewa Elżbieta Nowakowska:
"Lipska’s rejection of nationalism is consistent with her vision of the artist's role in society. She would argue that the poet does not craft a work out of sheer will or calculation; rather, art depends on an innocence rooted in a fidelity to personal experience, an authentic response to one's life that is lost in politics, or any other highly organized, artificial social system. The solidarity of poets, unlike that of political regimes, or of activists organized against them, is not a matter of design. Poetry is not collective life. It arises from solitude; it cannot be planned. Lipska thinks of art not only as a rejection of political intention but also as a deliberate engagement with the irrational and with uselessness."
Look for it on Tuesday on our news page. (And don't foregt you can now follow us on Twitter!)
We hope you enjoy this week's poems!
Warmest regards,
Don Selby & Diane Boller
Poetry Out Loud State Finals Schedules Are Set - Don't Miss Yours!
Make your plans now! All events are free and open to the public. Visit us online for information on the time, date, and location of State Finals as well as contact information for your state's Poetry Out Loud coordinator.
Paris Writers Workshop
Courses on Memoir, Poetry, Short Story, Creative Non-Fiction and Novel. Refine your writing and stimulate your creativity in the heart of Montparnasse. Follow the steps of Ernest Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald and Gertrude Stein. Dine at the moveable feast that is Paris. Visit us for details....
The Frost Place Summer Programs
The Frost Place in Franconia, NH is accepting applications for our summer programs. At the Conference on Poetry and Teaching, Baron Wormser, Dawn Potter, and faculty give essential guidance in the teaching of poetry. The Festival and Conference on Poetry will return this year, directed by Martha Rhodes and featuring a talented faculty offering wide-ranging workshop options, with nightly readings. The Advanced Seminar, led by Jeanne Marie Beaumont and faculty, offers an intensive workshop experience to seasoned writers. For information on the conferences and all of our activities, visit us online ...
Pacific MFA in Writing Now Enrolling
Earn a Master of Fine Arts from Pacific University studying with top professionals who teach as well as they write. In the belief that writers can and must lead full and interesting lives, the MFA program embraces students who have full-time jobs and other obligations. After a short residency, students return home to a correspondence semester of individualized study with award-winning writers who support and inspire emerging craft and voice.
For more information: Go to the Pacific MFA web site or call 503-352-1531.
MFA at Western Connecticut State University
Prepare for a writing career, not just a genre, in the only MFA program where students specialize in both creative and practical genres and get hands-on experience in a variety of writing fields. Food for the table, food for the soul at WestConn.
The Bellday Poetry Prize
Final Judge: Lucia Perrillo
Bellday Books will publish the winning book and award $2,000 and 25 copies of the book to the winning author. Deadline for submission: March 15, 2010. For complete submission guidelines and contest rules, visit us online or send SASE to Bellday Books, Inc., P.O. Box 3687, Pittsburgh, PA 15230
Grub Street Book Prize
Call For Submissions: 2010 Grub Street National Book Prize for a non-first book of poetry from a poet outside New England. One winner receives $1000 and all-expenses-paid trip to Boston plus accommodations for reading, reception and citywide publicity. Poetry deadline postmark March 15th, 2010. Reading fee/donation $10. Check Guidelines first. Grub Street, 160 Boylston St. Boston, MA 02116. Previous Winners: Linda Gregg, Rebecca Seiferle, Rick Barot.
William Joiner Center Workshop (June 14–25)
Begun in 1988, the William Joiner Center for the Study of War and Social Consequences' Annual Writers' Workshop (June 14–25) welcomes writers of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and translation for two weeks of classes, panels, discussions, exhibits, readings and good company. Recent and current faculty includes Lady Borton, Martha Collins, Larry Heinemann, Danielle Legros Georges, Aracelis Girmay, Fred Marchant, Demetria Martínez, Nahid Rachlin, Brian Turner, Afaa Michael Weaver, and Bruce Weigl. Visit us for more information...
Cleveland State University Poetry Center Book Prizes
$1,000 & publication for best manuscript in two categories, First Book, judged by Rae Armantrout, and Open Competition (for poets with at least one book), juried by Kazim Ali, Mary Biddinger, Michael Dumanis, & Sarah Gridley. New titles include books by John Bradley, Lily Brown, Elyse Fenton, Dora Malech, Shane McCrae, Helena Mesa, Mathias Svalina, Allison Titus, Liz Waldner, & Allison Benis White. Entry fee: $25. Postmark deadline: Feb. 16.
Sixteenth Annual West Chester University Poetry Conference
The 16th anniversary of the nation's only conference focused on poetic craft and verse technique (June 9-12) features keynote speaker Rhina P. Espaillat. In addition to small workshops by our distinguished faculty, there are panel discussions, readings, poetry & song concerts, conversation, socials, and much more. Set in historic West Chester, Pennsylvania the conference nurtures craft in a pleasantly egalitarian community. Visit us online....
Copper Canyon Press is on Facebook!
Our belief: poetry is vital to language and living. This is an interactive forum for everything poetry: poems, quotes, readings, events, recommendations, discussions, and links. Our goal: foster the work of emerging, established, and world-renowned poets for an expanding audience. So become a fan, stay reading, and enjoy.
Colrain Poetry Manuscript Conference
For Poets With a Book-Length Manuscript: first conference to provide the faculty, connections, and method necessary to set poets with a completed or in-process manuscript on a path towards publication.
Faculty includes editors and publishers Jeffrey Levine (Tupelo Press), Martha Rhodes (Four Way Books), Jeffrey Shotts (Graywolf Press), Susan Kan (Perugia Press), Peter Conners (BOA) and others; workshop leaders include Joan Houlihan (Concord Poetry Center); Frederick Marchant (Suffolk University), Ellen Doré Watson (Smith College), Steven Cramer (Lesley University), Daniel Tobin (Emerson College) and others...
News and reviews from around the web, updated daily:
- Kay Ryan, Library of Congress launch Poetry for the Mind's Joy web page. (The Library of Congress Today)
- D.A. Powell honored with $100,000 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award. Kate Tufts Discovery Award to Beth Bachmann. (Los Angeles Times)
- Lives Like Loaded Guns: Emily Dickinson and Her Family's Feuds, by Lyndall Gordon, reviewed by Frances Wilson. (The Times)
- On The Verb, discussions about poets Bill Griffiths and Ernest Farrés, and the first in a series featuring Haitian writing. (Audio from BBC Radio 3)
- Cathy Galvin talks with poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy about poetry and love. (The Sunday Times)
- Pat Mora's Dizzy in Your Eyes reviewed by Rigoberto González. (El Paso Times)
- Artist, poet, spoken word performer and teacher, Michele Voltaire Marcelin, born in Port-au-Prince, reads two poems. (Video from PBS NewsHour)
- Two reviews of Tony Hoagland's Unincorporated Persons in the Late Honda Dynasty. (The New York Times)
- Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin's The Sun-Fish reviewed by Sean O'Brien. (The Irish Times)
- And more...
These and other new arrivals are available for purchase via Poetry Daily/Amazon.com.
- The Rose of Time: New & Selected Poems, Bei Dao, ed. Eliot Weinberger (New Directions)
- The Wake Forest Series of Irish Poetry, Vol. 2: Seán Lysaght, Moya Cannon, Thomas McCarthy, John F. Deane, Máire Mhac an tSaoi, Jefferson Holdridge, ed. (Wake Forest University Press)
- Let Me Open You a Swan, Deborah Bogen (Elixir Press)
- High Notes, Lois Roma-Deeley (Benu Press)
- By All Lights, B.H.Boston (Tebot Bach)
- Fault Lines, Tim Hunt (The Backwaters Press)
- Animals of My Own Kind: New and Selected Poems, Harry Thurston (Signal Editions)
- Boxing the Compass, Richard Greene (Signal Editions)
- Penned: Zoo Poems, Stephanie Bolster, Katia Grubisic, Simon Reader, ed.s (Signal Editions)
- Dissonance, Maryann Corbett (Scienter Press)
- Casa Marina, Candace Black (RopeWalk Press)
The work of the following poets will appear as Today's Poem on the days indicated:
Monday - Charles Bennett
Tuesday - Ewa Lipska, tr. Robin Davidson and Ewa Elżbieta Nowakowska
Wednesday - Lucia Perillo
Thursday - Diane Glancy
Friday - Frannie Lindsay
Saturday - Angela Sorby
Sunday - Andrew Michael Roberts
6. Featured Poets February 1 - February 7, 2010
These and other past featured poets may be found in our archive:
Monday - John Ashbery
Tuesday - Raffaello Baldini, tr. Adria Bernardi
Wednesday - Brenda Cárdenas
Thursday - Daniel Johnson
Friday - Edip Cansever, tr. Julia Clare Tillinghast & Richard Tillinghast
Saturday - Amit Majmudar
Sunday - Connie Wanek
These poems will be retired from our archive during the coming week.
Wayne Miller - Two Poems
Ross White - "Two Swans"
Rae Armantrout - "Along"
Timothy Liu - "No War"
Scott Cairns - "Speculation: Along the Way"
Isobel Dixon - "The Buried Butterfly"
Brian Teare - "Genius Loci"
A scatter
of cold cases
makes two
separate strings.
Rival news hours
mime discovery.
For so long
we've been practicing—
our surprise.
In heaven
the soul is sheltered
from the expanse
of time.
It contracts
to a point
of light
or spreads out
"all along"
like a wave.
The real is what
can't escape
Rae Armantrout
Chicago Review
Winter 2009
Copyright © 2009 by Bernadette Mayer
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.
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